We are fully equipped with the highest technology available for the production of
foods by extrusion and the latest generation equipment -manufactured by the most
recognized suppliers worldwide which offer a large production capacity, and,
furthermore, care and maximize the nutritional attributes of products.
Our facilities process complex recipes, with more than 30 components, and assure
the requirements in each formula with a refined system for steam cooking and fine
grinding. This method permits the ideal degree of temperature for each mixture
contributing to the correct starch gelatinization, which improves the foods
bioavailability, and assures the regularity in the production batches.
Our production processes are divided into stages and sectors to obtain the best
quality in the food that we produce.
We are the unique plant in Argentina that has automatic packaging machines
which allows us a greater production volume and ensures the food care from the
insert in the pack so that it gets intact to our consumers’ homes.
Parque Industrial
General Las Heras - Ruta 40
(ex 200) Km.70 - CP1741
Buenos Aires - Argentina